Equitable teacher distribution Teachers’ deployment systems must be based on the principles of equity, effectiveness and efficiency. This is crucial to allow all children to receive a quality education. See more...
Teacher training Teachers’ sufficient preparation is a key factor to ensure quality learning, inclusion and equity in schools. See more...
Distribution of teaching and learning materials Textbooks are instrumental in the process of raising awareness about others’ beliefs and fostering understanding of, and respect for, the diversity of beliefs present in societies and the world at large. Textbooks can help to combat prejudice, present plura lism as an asset, and encourage mutual understandings based on respect for the right to express one’s beliefs. They contribute to promoting tolerance, critical thinking in the face of divisive stereotyping and discrimination, and the independence of indivi dual choice. See more...
Equitable school distribution To tackle down the issue of school distance, it is of utmost importance to build inclusive mainstream settings that meet the needs of all children and guarantee all children’s right to education. See more...