Repetition rates by grade

‘Number of repeaters in a given grade in a given school year, expressed as a percentage of enrolment in that grade the previous school year’ (UNESCO, 2014: 205). This rate is calculated at the end of the academic year and it is usually based on administrative data.

Repetition rates by grade is an indicator normally used ‘to evaluate the internal efficiency of education systems and to project student flows from grade to grade within the education cycle.’ (UIS-UNESCO, 2012:18).

UIS-UNESCO (UNESCO Institute for Statistics). 2012. Opportunities Lost: the impact of grade repetition and early school leaving. Global Education Digest 2012. Montreal: UIS-UNESCO. Retrieved from:

UNESCO. 2014. EFA Global Monitoring Report 2013/14: Teaching and learning: Achieving quality for all. Paris: UNESCO. Retrieved from:

To explore further
Delprato, M. 2012. Schooling profiles; between and within country differences. Backgroun paper prepared for the Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2012 Youth and skills: Putting education to work. Paris: UNESCO. Retrieved from:

UIS-UNESCO (UNESCO Institute for Statistics). 2012. Opportunities Lost: the impact of grade repetition and early school leaving. Global Education Digest 2012. Montreal: UIS-UNESCO. Retrieved from:

UNESCO-Global Education Monitoring Report. 2020. Global Education Monitoring Report, 2020: Inclusion and education: all means all. Paris: UNESCO. Retrieved from: