Inclusive education
Inclusive education is the process of reinforcing the capacity of education systems to welcome and reach out to all learners (UNESCO, 2017: 7). More specifically, it is ‘a process that involves the transformation of schools and other centres of learning so as to cater for all children – including boys and girls, students from ethnic minorities, those affected by HIV and AIDS, and those with disabilities and learning difficulties’ (UNESCO, 2008: 5).
Inclusive education is an effective way to provide all children an equal chance to go to the same school, learn, and develop the skills they need to succeed during their lifetime (IIEP-UNESCO, 2019). In inclusive educations systems ‘learning methods and educational materials that address the needs of all students are mainstreamed into the system so that barriers that potentially limit participation are removed. Disability is just one cause of exclusion, among other social, physical, and institutional limitations.’ (IIEP-UNESCO, 2019: 6).
IIEP-UNESCO. 2019. On the road to inclusion: highlights from the UNICEF and IIEP Technical Round Tables on Disability-inclusive Education Sector Planning. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO. Retrieved from:
UNESCO. 2008. Inclusive education: The Way of the Future, Forty-eight session of the international Conference on Education. Reference document: ED/BIE/CONFINTED 48/3. Geneva: UNESCO. Retrieved from:
UNESCO. 2017. A guide for ensuring inclusion and equity in education. Paris: UNESCO. Retrieved from:
To explore further
IIEP-UNESCO. 2019. On the road to inclusion: highlights from the UNICEF and IIEP Technical Round Tables on Disability-inclusive Education Sector Planning. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO. Retrieved from:
IIEP-UNESCO. n.d. Inclusive education: Planning school for all. Accessed 23 August 2021:
IIEP-UNESCO; UNICEF; GPE (Global Partnership for Education); UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. 2021. ‘Chapter 11 Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities’. In: Education Sector Analysis Methodological Guidelines – Volume 3. Retrieved from:
UNESCO. 2008. Inclusive education: The Way of the Future, Forty-eight session of the international Conference on Education. Reference document: ED/BIE/CONFINTED 48/3. Geneva: UNESCO. Retrieved from:
UNESCO. 2017. A guide for ensuring inclusion and equity in education. Paris: UNESCO. Retrieved from:
UNICEF. n.d. Inclusive Education: Every child has the right to quality education and learning. Accessed 15 August 2021: