Teacher knowledge tests

Knowledge tests are a type of teacher appraisal. They assess the general or specific pedagogical and subject knowledge, and skills which teachers must master to be successful in teaching. Teacher tests can be used for various purposes such as at the end of the pre-service teacher training (tests of content mastery), when entering the profession, or for promotion purposes (teacher performance evaluations. For more information on this particular subject consult Tournier et al., 2019; Crehan, 2016; Mencera and Schmelkes, 2010).

Vegas, E.  2005.  Incentives to improve teaching:  Lessons from Latin America. Washington, DC: World Bank. Retrieved from: https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/7265

To explore further
Childress, D.; Chimier, C.; Raudonyte, I.; Tournier, B. 2019. Teacher career reforms: Learning from experience. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO. Retrieved from: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000372505/PDF/372505eng.pdf.multi

Crehan, L. 2016. Exploring the impact of career models on teacher motivation. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO. Retrieved from: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000246252_eng

Cruz-Aguayo, Y.; Ibarrarán, P.; Schady, N. 2017. Do tests applied to teachers predict their effectiveness? IDB Working Ppaer Series No IDP-WP-821. Retrieved from: https://publications.iadb.org/publications/english/document/Do-Tests-Applied-to-Teachers-Predict-their-Effectiveness.pdf

Darling-Hammond, L. 2014. One Piece of the Whole: Teacher Evaluation as Part of a Comprehensive System for Teaching and Learning. Washington D.C.: American Educator. Retrieved from: https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1023870.pdf

Mencera, C.; Schmelkes, S. 2010. Specific Policy Recommendations on the Development of a Comprehensive In-Service Teacher Evaluation Framework, Education Policy Implementation: Mexico. Paris: OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). Retrieved from: http://www.oecd.org/education/school/48481142.pdf

Tournier, B.; Chimier, C.; Childress, D.; Raudonyte, I. 2019. Teacher career reforms: Learning from experience. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO. Retrieved from: http://www.iiep.unesco.org/en/publication/teacher-career-reforms-learning-experience

UNESCO-BREDA (UNESCO’s Regional Bureau for Education in Africa), IIEP Pôle de Dakar. 2010. Methodological Guide for the Analysis of Teacher Issues. Paris: UNESCO. Retrieved from: https://poledakar.iiep.unesco.org/sites/default/files/fields/publication_files/methodological_guide_for_the_analysis_of_teacher_issues_-_2010.pdf

Vegas, E.  2005.  Incentives to improve teaching:  Lessons from Latin America. Washington, DC: World Bank. Retrieved from: https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/7265