Pupil-teacher ratio (PTR)
PTR is the division of the number of enrolled pupils in the cycle by the number of teachers working in the same cycle. PTRs are used to analyse teacher allocation, both at a national and local level. Comparisons between the average national PTR and those at decentralised levels can be used to understand existing disparities in teacher allocation (IIEP-UNESCO Pôle de Dakar, 2016).
IIEP-UNESCO Pôle de Dakar. 2016. Teacher allocation and utilization in Africa. Working Paper. Dakar: IIEP-UNESCO Pôle de Dakar. Retrieved from: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000259340
To explore further
IIEP-UNESCO Pôle de Dakar. 2016. Teacher allocation and utilization in Africa. Working Paper. Dakar: IIEP-UNESCO Pôle de Dakar. Retrieved from: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000259340
Tournier, B. 2015. Teacher Management Module 4: Teacher allocation and utilisation. Paris: IIEP-UNESCO. Retrieved from: http://www.iiep.unesco.org/sites/default/files/unit_4_eng.pdf